Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Top 5 for Lycanthropes

I've always been fascinated with everything werewolf... lore, movies, books, music, art... and my first published story is about werewolves. This list is my way of giving something back to the lycanthrope community.    

1. Flag of Laos

If you're a lycanthrope, you may appreciate the flag of Laos, its white sphere representing the full moon on the Mekong River. Coincidentally, belief in werewolves is common among the Hmong people of Laos.

2. Flag of Ethiopia

I have chosen this flag for its pentagram. A pentagram found on the palm or forehead may identify a werewolf or the next victim of a werewolf, a Hollywood concept made popular by The Wolf Man.

The werecreature that abounds in Ethiopia is the werehyena. Ethiopians traditionally believe that blacksmiths in particular inherit this ability with their profession. Blacksmiths who transform into hyenas are called bouda, and are thought to rob graves at night.

3. Flag of Palau  

Lycanthropes are not the only beings who become more active during the full moon, depicted here on the flag of Palau. Palauans consider the full moon phase the most favorable time to get things done, including sowing and reaping, tree cutting and canoe carving, not to mention partying.

4. Flag of Morocco

Like the flag of Ethiopia, the central emblem of Morocco's flag is a pentagram, and like Ethiopians, Moroccans believe in werehyenas.

Obviously, the use of the pentagram on these flags has nothing at all to do with werewolves, but hopefully the lycanthropes reading this list take no less enjoyment out of them. The pentagram in this case is a spiritual symbol, representing Morocco's link with Allah, or God.

 5. Flag of Shan State, Myanmar

The full moon is used here again, this time to reflect the ideals of the Shan people, who view the moon as a symbol of purity, gentleness and peace.

Weretigers are reported among the people of Myanmar, these shapeshifters mostly living together in secluded jungle villages. Weretigers are not considered hostile to humans, and may choose to live and work amongst humans, but usually keep their true natures hidden from them.     

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